Personally, I feel like the month leading up to 2024 there was already a lot of prepping for 2024! There was a TON happening behind the scenes...I honed in on a name that really spoke to my offerings. Workplace Stress Solutions.
I work with companies and employers that want to support their employees overall mental health and well-being at work and in their lives.
The name fit and it landed with people. My other site will remain but it will start to transition over to my Keynote Speaker page.
I took my own advice and decided to just let it be easy...what to do I offer? I offer Workplace Stress Solutions...the rest wrote itself. I easily came up with a new logo that I felt was fitting.

The rings stand for the 5 Essentials for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being + Me as the 6th ring that helps to bridge it all together.
On top of the rebranding that was happening, I was also busy getting my certification from Mindful Leader on Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator. This was work I was already doing because rooted in all of my workshops are elements of Mindfulness and how they help us manage our stress. My favorite part of the training program was really leaning in on the understanding of Trauma Informed Mindfulness. When I walk into an organization, I never know peoples histories or backgrounds. It was an extra level of training that was important to me because I always want to maintain a safe space for everyone to learn.
Finally, one of the things I am most excited for going into 2024 is my newly acquired certification of being officially a Women Owned Business. (SBA, WOSB) What does this mean for you? This means that when we partner and do business together, you as a company get to report back that you worked with a Certified Women Owned Business.
Think of Workplace Stress Solutions for any programming, team retreats, leadership summits, or conferences that might be coming up for your company! Email:
I look forward to working with you this year and beyond!
Stay Mindful,